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ENGL 3053

Purpose: The overall goal of English 3053 is to hone students’ reading, thinking, and writing skills taught in English 1013 and 1023 or 1033 and apply them to relevant writing tasks in career-focused fields. Students will be evaluated on their ability to draft and revise documents for focus, development, and organization, as well as edit those documents to ensure proper syntax and correctness.

Specific Goals: English 3053 is designed to familiarize students with the process of planning, drafting, and revising basic technical documents. Assignments and group work will be oriented towards refining communication skills in professional discourses.

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to perform the following tasks:

  1. Apply concepts and strategies of technical communication.
  2. Analyze audiences and purposes for various technical documents.
  3. Conduct effective research, and integrate and cite evidence from sources.
  4. Plan, draft, and revise documents such as descriptions, memos, business letters, proposals, and formal reports.
  5. Determine document organization, design, and style that meets genre conventions and audience expectations and needs.

The objectives for each weekly lesson are based on these overall course goals or outcomes. The readings, lessons, and activities should support these objectives so that after each week, students can produce the expected outcome. And each objective supports certain course goalss. The numbers at the end of each weekly objective in the Course Schedule refer to the numbered course goals above.

ENGL 3053 Syllabus and Policies

Follow this link for the syllabus document. Look for sections in brackets that should be revised with the correct information for your section and policies. You may revise this syllabus to communicate your intent for your course, but the major assignments and their grade distributions, and the course goals and weekly objectives must stay the same.

Course Syllabus

Course Schedule Weeks 1-8

This is an outline of course content for the first 8 weeks, including objectives, readings, topics and assignments. Reference this as a template for organizing your course: engl_3053_week_1-8.docx

Course Activities

At this link, you'll find sample activities that can be used in each week of this course. These activities support the weekly objectives, which work toward the course goals. If you have other activities that fulfill those objectives, you are welcome to use them, and share them here in the appropriate week. First submit to Adam Pope ( Sample Activities

Major Assignment Prompts

There are four major writing assignments in this course that account for 70% of the grade. Attached below in this section are the prompts for each major assignment, as a Word document. But this link will also take you to the text for these prompts here in the Wiki: 3053 Major Assignment Prompts

Assignments and Grade Distribution:

Major Writing Assignments:

Rhetorical Analysis 15%

Memos and Letters 15%

Formal Proposal 20%

Recommendation Report 20%

Other Assignments:

[Instructors may revise this 30% according to your syllabus]

[Discussion Boards & Blogs 20%

Collaboration 10% (Peer Review and conferences)]

TOTAL 100%

Course Grade Scale: A: 90-100; B: 80-89; C: 70-79; D: 60-69; F: 0-59

Major Assignment Prompts

Gradebook spreadsheet template

This is the gradebook template that you should complete and submit to the RCO at the close of each semester. engl_3053_gradebook_template.xlsx

technical_and_report_writing.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/06 16:45 by lewellyn