This page will feature a collection of links from the University of Arkansas' TIPS page that will help you navigate BlackBoard. **Zoom & BlackBoard** * [[|Zoom Integration with BlackBoard]] \\ **Attendance** * [[|Creating an Attendance Column in the Gradebook]] \\ **Copying Content** * [[|Copy a Course]] * [[|Copy or Move an Item or File]] * [[|Copy a Test or Quiz]] \\ **Creating Content** * Content Areas * [[|Adding Content Areas]] * [[|Adding Flickr Photo Mashup]] * [[|Adding a File]] * [[|Adding a Course Link]] * [[|Adding a YouTube Video]] * The Black Menu Column * [[|Managing the Menu ]] * [[|Add a Tool Link]] \\ **Kaltura** * Kaltura Capture Recorder * [[|Installing Kaltura Capture]] * [[|Getting Started with Kaltura]] * [[|Editing Video with Kaltura]] * [[|Upload Your Media to BlackBoard]] * [[|Kaltura Video Captions]] * Using Kaltura in BlackBoard * [[|Adding Kaltura to Course Content]] * [[|Adding Kaltura to a Discussion Board]] * [[|Create a Video Quiz with Kaltura]] * [[|Kaltura Video Assignment Submission]] \\ **Assignments, Student Feedback, & Rubrics** * [[|File Types Accepted by BlackBoard]] * [[|Grading Student Assignments]] * [[|Feedback from the Student Perspective]] * [[|Interactive Rubrics]] * [[|Uploading Rubrics to BlackBoard (Video)]]- Upload **zipped** files * [[|Associating Rubrics to Assigments (Video)]] \\ **Interacting in BlackBoard** * [[|Journals, Blogs, & Discussion Forums Overview]] * Journals * [[|BlackBoard Help with Journals]] * Wikis * [[|BlackBoard Help with Wikis]] * Blogs * [[|Creating a Blog]] * [[|Grading Blogs]] * Discussion Board * [[|Kaltura: Adding Media to a Discussion Board]] * [[|BlackBoard Help with Managing Discussion Boards]] * [[|BlackBoard Help with Grading Discussion Boards]] * VoiceThread * [[|Video Instructions for Using VoiceThread]] * [[|Written Instructions for Using VoiceThread]] \\ **Participants** * Contact * [[|Announcements]] * [[|Emailing vs Course Message]] * [[|Restrict Student Send Email]] * Groups * [[|Creating & Managing Groups]] * [[|How to Create a Group Assignment]] \\ **Gradebooks** * [[|Grade Center Overview]] * [[|Transfer Grades from BlackBoard to UAConnect]] * [[|Allow Students to See Grading Rubric]] * [[|Create a Column in Grade Center]] * [[|Creating & Deleting Multiple Columns]] * [[|Create a Total Column]] * [[|Create an Average Grade Column]] * [[|Managing Grade Center Columns]] * [[|Grading Offline]] * [[|Uploading Your Grade Center]] \\ **Links for Your Students** * [[|How to Embed a YouTube video]] * [[|How to Submit an Assignment]] * [[|How to View Your Grades]] * [[|How to View Instructor Feedback]] \\ [[|All the BlackBoard Links You'll Ever Want from the U of A]]